среда, 23 марта 2011 г.

High Levels Of Blood HDL Cholesterol Protects Against Heart Disease And Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

High Levels Of Blood HDL Cholesterol Protects Against Heart Disease And Reduces The Risk Of Cancer.

Higher blood levels of HDL cholesterol, the "good" gentle that protects against nerve disease, are also strongly associated with a earlier jeopardy of cancer, a unique rehashing of studies suggests. "For about a 10-point increment of HDL, there is a reduced danger of cancer by about one third over an mean consolidation of 4,5 years," said Dr Richard Karas, directorship director of the Tufts Medical Center Molecular Cardiology Research Institute and take inventor of a report in the June 22 version of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology Order lowtiyel online. Those numbers come from an division of 24 randomized controlled trials, aimed at determining the form on focus disease of lowering levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol, through the use of statin drugs.

The march past singled out trials that also recorded the number of cancer surrounded by the participants. The researchers write-up a 36 percent lower cancer reckon for every 10 milligrams per liter (mg/dl) higher draw a bead of HDL Vimax EXTENDER. But while the relation between higher HDL and lower cancer imperil was independent of other cancer risk factors, such as smoking, corpulence and age, Karas was punctilious to say the study does not prove cause and effect.

So "We can try to say that higher levels of HDL are associated with a discount risk of cancer, but we can't imagine that one causes the other," he said. Exactly so, said Dr Jennifer Robinson, professor of epidemiology and c physic at the University of Iowa College of Public Health, who wrote an accompanying editorial. High HDL levels may unqualifiedly be a marker of the thoughtful of reputable traits that tone down both cardiovascular and cancer risk, she said.

And "People have a lot of characteristics that are all kindly of interrelated," she said. "They may not exercise, be abdominous and so on, and so have cut HDL than normal. The higher hazard of cancer may have nothing to do with what HDL does".

That's a actual possibility, Karas said, but he also mentioned some achievable physical mechanisms that might give HDL cholesterol anti-cancer activity. "HDL alters the affair of the unsusceptible system, which looks for aberrant cells that may be cancerous or precancerous and attacks them," he said. "It also has antioxidant properties, and there is a lot of tempt in the task of antioxidants in reducing cancer risk".

HDL cholesterol also has anti-inflammatory activity, which might accomplishment against cancer, Karas said. His laboratory is "starting to think" about experiments to assay these various theories, he said. The only convincing verification would be a controlled whirl testing whether medication that raises HDL levels reduces cancer incidence, Robinson said. No such medication is now on the store (other than niacin, which has a smaller make in raising HDL levels), although several are being tested for their meaning on affection disease, pat and other cardiovascular problems. "We actually don't cognizant of that something is causing the disease unless we do controlled trials," she said.

The researchers who administration those studies should cathode-ray tube screen cancer incidence as well as cardiovascular ailment among the participants, Karas said. The renewed study's finding that an appreciable significance on cancer was evident in just a few years "shows the value in current studies to track cancer," he said med rx check. "many don't". Until the anti-cancer theory is proved or disproved, Karas and Robinson said, the best matter to do is accept the healthy lifestyle that can withhold HDL cholesterol levels capital - exercising regularly, eating a bracing diet, not smoking and consuming alcohol in moderation.

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