пятница, 22 апреля 2011 г.

PSA Kinetics Is Not A Sufficient Indication For The Treatment Of Prostate Cancer

PSA Kinetics Is Not A Sufficient Indication For The Treatment Of Prostate Cancer.

A procedure that urologists had hoped would sign it tenable to notice men with prostate cancer who needfulness therapy from those who would only need watchful waiting didn't run well, researchers report. The technique, called PSA kinetics, measures changes in the estimate at which the prostate gland produces a protein called prostate-specific antigen custom free articles directory. A significant snowball in PSA kinetics, careful by the while during which PSA forging doubles or increases at a fleet rate, is supposed to indicate the need for treatment, by emanation therapy or surgery.

PSA kinetics has crave been used to measure the effectiveness of treatment таблетки vimax. A platoon of cancer centers have started to use it as a conceivable method of distinguishing aggressive cancers that order treatment from those that are so slow-growing that they can safely be left alone.

Recent studies indicating that many men with slow-growing prostate cancers experience non-essential treatment have given stress to the search for such a tool, especially considering that side property of treatment can include incontinence and impotence. But the swotting indicates that "PSA kinetics doesn't seem to be enough to show you who you should follow and who you should treat," said Dr Ashley E Ross, a urology abiding at the Johns Hopkins University Brady Urological Institute, and direction originator of a crack on the technique published online May 3 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

The statement describes the results of PSA kinetics measurements of 290 men with low-grade prostate cancer - the good-natured that often doesn't ask curing - for an typical of 2,9 years. The results of PSA tests were compared with biopsies - conglomeration samples - that dignified the elevation of the cancers.

The trial is duty of a study, under supervision of Dr H Ballentine Carter, overseer of the division of adult urology at the Brady Urological Institute, that began in 1994. Men in the stab had PSA tests every six months and biopsies every year.

So "PSA values do not intimate chain by biopsy," Ross said. "There were titanic overlaps between citizenry who had higher or earlier values. They were not predictive of if you had more bug or more aggressive disease".

And so the findings do not support the trust that PSA kinetics might lessen the need for numerous biopsies, Ross said. "You neediness to biopsy these men yearly or less than that," he said. But the outlet is still open, said Dr Jared Whitson, a clinical don in urology at the University of California, San Francisco, who wrote an accompanying editorial.

There might have been "selection bias" in the study, Whitson said, since many men under watchful waiting at the introduce were not included in the trial. "We don't discern a lot about the 300 patients who were in functioning watch but not included in the trial," he said. In addition, "there is some late certification to suggest that PSA kinetics are associated with biopsy progression," Whitson said.

There was such basis in a Canadian trial, Ross acknowledged, but "in the Canadian research there were men with a lot more cancer than we would be amiable following. We only pick men with very toy cancer".

So it is too ahead to give up on PSA kinetics as a approach of determining who should be treated, Whitson said. But it is only one of the tools that should be occupied to make a decision, he said. "There is no one idiosyncrasy or factor which can singlehandedly cajole intervention," Whitson said vimax in qatar. Other customary markers, such as Gleason score, a assessment of a cancer's degree of disorganization, must also be used, he said.

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