вторник, 2 июля 2013 г.

Drinking Increasing Among Girls And Young Women In The USA

Drinking Increasing Among Girls And Young Women In The USA.
Binge drinking is a significant stew middle women and girls in the United States, with one in five female excited mould students and one in eight juvenile women reporting habitual episodes, federal strength officials reported Tuesday. For women, binge drinking means downing four or more drinks on an occasion pakistan. Every month, about 14 million women and girls binge nip at least three times, according to the record from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

And women who binge lap typical about six drinks at a time, the on said. "Although binge drinking is even more of a dilemma to each men and boys, binge drinking is an grave and unrecognized women's salubriousness issue," CDC captain Dr Thomas Frieden, said during a high noon jam conference. And the consequences for women, who manipulate alcohol differently than men, are serious, Frieden said. "There are about 23000 deaths all women and girls each year due to drinking too much alcohol," he said 4rxday com. "Most of those deaths are from binge drinking".

Binge drinking also increases the danger for many healthfulness problems such as titty cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, goodness malady and unintended pregnancy, he added. In addition, fertile women who binge spirits expose their pet to high levels of alcohol that can lead to fetal spirits spectrum disorders and sudden infant finish syndrome, he noted.

Frieden noted that the slew of adult women who binge drink hasn't changed much in the before 15 years. But changing patterns mid young race mean that high school girls are binge drinking nearly as often as boys, Frieden explained. "While the upbraid in the midst high school boys floor considerably in recent decades, it has remained less constant among high denomination girls, which is why there is hardly any difference at this point between boys and girls in drinking," he said.

Frieden esteemed binge drinking is regular among both men and women. "Fifty percent of all the liquor consumed by adults and about 90 percent of all of the fire-water consumed by kids is consumed during a binge," he said. Binge drinking was most unexceptional among women 18 to 34 and drugged school girls. In addition, ashen and Hispanic women and women with household incomes of $75000 or more were more no doubt to binge drink.

Moreover, more than half of boisterous school girls who drink venture they binge, the researchers found. Overall, marginally less than 20 percent of high school girls said they binge drink. Among considerable high school seniors, 62 percent of girls who boom drinking say they binge drink, Frieden said. Doctors should chin-wag to their patients about drinking and in particular about binge drinking and the risks of exorbitant alcohol consumption, he advised.

Recommended guidelines upo a request of for women to have no more than one drink a day and for men up to two drinks, he said. "Underage adolescence and women who are enceinte should not drink at all," Frieden said. To sway their conclusions, CDC researchers unexcited data on 278000 women who were allotment of the 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, and about 7500 principal educate girls from the 2011 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey.

One qualified said the gunfire confirms earlier research. "This discharge reiterates what has been known to be a problem for some time - girls and women binge pub-crawl at significant levels," said Dr JC Garbutt, professor of psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. "We discern that the hazard for many medical, behavioral and collective problems rises as the flush of consumption rises," he added.

Given the dangers of binge drinking, Garbutt believes steps such as educating women on the risks and launching doctor- and community-led efforts to control binge drinking are necessary. But it's a recondite behavior to change, he added. "It is vital to recollect that we are a drinking civilization where the cup that cheers consumption is the normative behavior vito viga. Changing drinking behavior is not an mild task," he said.

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