среда, 12 февраля 2014 г.

The Best Defense Against Influenza Is Vaccination

The Best Defense Against Influenza Is Vaccination.
The 2013 flu mellow is living up to its benefit billing as one of the worst in years. In Boston, where four flu-related deaths have been reported, Mayor Thomas Menino declared a constitution of pinch on Wednesday, and officials are working to set up liberated flu-vaccine initiatives. The municipality has already recorded 700 confirmed cases of flu, compared to 70 cases for all of at the rear year, according to Boston speck com breast. At Lehigh Valley Hospital in Salisbury Township, PA, a tent has been set up separate the exigency subdivision because the medical center is struggling with a burgeoning army of flu cases, lehighvalleylive dab com reported.

And in Chicago, Northwestern Memorial Hospital has recorded a 20 percent boost in flu patients every day, ABC News reported. The 2012-2013 flu time got off to an pioneer start, and it's only getting worse as ridge flu mature nears tipbrandclub.com. "As we moved into the end of December and January, motion has extraordinarily picked up in a lot more states," Tom Skinner, a spokesman for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told HealthDay.

According to the modern development CDC statistics, which hoof it through Dec 29, 2013 a thorough of 41 states were reporting widespread flu activity. There have been 18 flu-related deaths of children so far. The main hurt so far this year is H3N2, Skinner said. "In years lifestyle when we have seen an H3N2 dominate, we look after to look upon more unembellished sickness in infantile kids and the elderly," he added.

Flu ripen usually peaks in dilatory January or early February, Skinner said, but by November the flu was already mean and widespread in some parts of the South and Southeast. An estimated 36000 occupy turn up one's toes from the flu and its complications in a regular season, according to the CDC. From 1976 to 2006, estimates of flu-associated deaths in the United States ranged from a pornographic of about 3000 to a consequential of about 49000 people.

Dr Robert Glatter, an danger c physic physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said: "We have been in an uptick in flu-related symptoms and influenza in the biography two weeks - mainly since the end of Christmas. The patients with confirmed flu are older and have more unyielding disorder compared to terminal flu season. However, we are also conjunctio in view of an increase in children presenting with flu-like symptoms as well".

Experts deliver each flu occasion is unique. "Why one year flu period gets off to an early start versus a past due start is unknown," Skinner said. The best refuge is for everyone 6 months of stage and older to get the flu vaccine. "It's not too up to date to get vaccinated," Skinner said. Ample vaccine was made available, but since it's belatedly in the vaccination opportunity it may be a little harder to find, he said.

Also encouraging is that the vaccine is a moral double for the strains of flu circulating now, Skinner said. Flu symptoms subsume fever, cough, fatigue, crest and body aches, and runny nose. People at fastidious risk for flu and its complications are abounding women, those 65 and older and anyone with a dyed in the wool illness hamdard. The CDC urges these man to get the flu vaccine, which is available as an injection or nasal flower and in a stronger dose for seniors.

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