пятница, 14 августа 2015 г.

Healthy obesity is a myth

Healthy obesity is a myth.
The impression of potentially trim grossness is a myth, with most obese people slipping into low-grade health and chronic illness over time, a strange British study claims. The "obesity paradox" is a theory that argues avoirdupois might update some people's chances of survival over illnesses such as empathy failure, said lead researcher Joshua Bell, a doctoral observer in University College London's activity of epidemiology and business health venorex scriptovore. But research tracking the trim of more than 2500 British men and women for two decades found that half the man initially considered "healthy obese" distress up sliding into insignificant health as years passed.

And "Healthy chubbiness is something that's a phase rather than something that's long-standing over time. It's important to have a long-term consider of healthy obesity, and to bear in wit the long-term tendencies. As long as plumpness persists, health tends to decline. It does seem to be a high-risk state" 99 mph powder dangers. The size incongruity springs from research involving people who are overweight but do not humour from obesity-related problems such as high blood pressure, vitiated cholesterol and elevated blood sugar, said Dr Andrew Freeman, impresario of clinical cardiology for National Jewish Health in Denver.

Some studies have found that masses in this type seem to be less proper to die from heart disease and inveterate kidney disease compared with folks with a degrade body mass index - even though science also has proven that portliness increases overall risk for heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. No one can authority how the weight paradox works, but some have speculated that ladies and gentlemen with extra weight might have extra energy stores they can unsheathe upon if they become acutely ill.

To test this theory, University College London researchers tracked the robustness of 2521 men and women between the ages of 39 and 62. They reasoned each participant's body legion token (a calculation based on pinnacle and weight), cholesterol, blood pressure, fasting blood sugar and insulin resistance, and ranked them as either fit or destructive and obese or non-obese. About one-third of the gross people had no danger factors for chronic disease at the beginning of the study, and were ranked as hale obese.

But over time, this group began to blossom risk factors for chronic disease. After 10 years about 40 percent had become valetudinary obese, and by the 20-year line 51 percent had fallen into the unwell category, the den found. Healthy non-obese people also slipped into bad health over time, but at a slower rate. After two decades, 22 percent had become ill but were still trim, and about 10 percent more had become either shape or feeble obese.

Only 11 percent of the consumers who started out as healthy obese lost authority and become healthy and non-obese, the researchers found. This scan suggests that obese people will in the final analysis develop risk factors such as high blood sugar and discouraging cholesterol that lead to continuing illness and death, Bell and Freeman said. "The longer one is obese, the more plausible they are to move damage. I have very seldom seen people who are corpulent for the long-term not have a condition that requires treatment". Bell said these findings pressure the case that living souls who are obese should try to lose weight, even if they currently don't have any hazard factors. "All types of bulk warrant treatment, even those which appear to be healthy, because they communicate a high risk of future decline purchase. The findings are published Jan 5, 2015 in a missive in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

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