вторник, 20 июня 2017 г.

Scientists Have Discovered A New Method Of Detecting Cancer

Scientists Have Discovered A New Method Of Detecting Cancer.
A additional trial marketed as an additional to a mammogram for mamma cancer detection is not an conspicuous screening TOOL, US health officials say. With the nipple aspirate test, a tit question collects fluid from a woman's nipple. The running is then examined for eccentric and potentially cancerous cells enlast. The study is advertised as easier, more comfortable and less painful than mammograms.

However, there is no resistant to support claims that the test can observe breast cancer, said Dr David Lerner, a medical narc at the US Food and Drug Administration and a boob imaging specialist tarika. "FDA's have is that the nipple aspirate examine is being touted as a standalone tool to screen for and determine breast cancer as an alternative to mammography," Lerner said in an working news release.

So "Our bogy is that women will forgo a mammogram and have this analysis instead". Skipping a mammogram could put a woman's healthfulness and life at risk if breast cancer goes undetected, Lerner warned. He said there is no methodical proof that the nipple aspirate test, when worn on its own, is an effective screening tool for heart of hearts cancer or any other medical condition.

The test is still being feigned to determine if it might be useful in combination with other methods to shelter for disease. "The bottom line is that women should not rely solely on these nipple aspirate tests for the screening or diagnosis of titty cancer. Mammography is still the gold standard".

In October, 2013, Atossa Genetics pulled its nipple aspirate try - called the ForeCYTE Breast Health Test - off the exchange after being warned by the FDA that its claims about the exam were unsubstantiated. The concern claimed the examination was "literally a Pap bedaub for chest cancer". Pap smears are a guide probe for cervical cancer.

And Women who have had a nipple aspirate prove as a form of breast cancer screening should also have a mammogram, according to screening guidelines or as recommended by their doctor. Also, they should chin to their change about whether additional tests are needed, the FDA said. One in eight US women will unfold soul cancer in her lifetime vigrx. The bug is the second unsurpassed cancer killer of women in the country.

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