пятница, 18 августа 2017 г.

Cancer is a genetic disease

Cancer is a genetic disease.
When actress Angelina Jolie went patent about her serum hypocritical mastectomy, it did not steer to an increased understanding of the genetic risk of core cancer, researchers say. Although it raised awareness of titty cancer, exposure to Jolie's fable may have resulted in greater confusion about the relation between a family history of breast cancer and increased cancer risk, according to the study, published Dec 19, 2013 in the chronicle Genetics in Medicine check this out. Earlier this year, Jolie revealed that she had both breasts removed after scholarship that she carried a metamorphosis in a gene called BRCA1 that is linked to chest and ovarian cancers.

Women with mutations in that gene and the BRCA2 gene have a five times higher chance of mamma cancer and a 10 to 30 times higher imperil of developing ovarian cancer than those without the mutations. For the study, researchers surveyed more than 2500 Americans. About 75 percent were informed of Jolie's story, the investigators found reboot for premature ejaculation. But fewer than 10 percent of the respondents could correctly reply questions about the BRCA gene alteration that Jolie carries and the representative woman's gamble of developing bust cancer.

So "Ms Jolie's healthfulness tale was prominently featured throughout the media and was a occur to activate vigour communicators and educators to demonstrate about the nuanced issues around genetic testing, jeopardy and preventive surgery," study restraint author Dina Borzekowski, a research professor in the University of Maryland School of Public Health's bureau of behavior and community health, said in a university account release. However, it "feels be fond of it was a missed possibility to educate the custom about a complex but rare health situation".

About half of the appraise respondents incorrectly thought that a deficiency of family history of cancer was associated with a take down than average personal risk. Among citizenry who had at least one close relative develop cancer, those who knew about Jolie's taste were less likely than those insensible of her story to estimate their own cancer hazard as higher than average, 39 percent versus 59 percent. That's a concern, another researcher said.

And "Since many more women without a subdivision retelling amplify breast cancer each year than those with, it is impressive that women don't feel falsely reassured by a antagonistic family history," memorize co-author Dr Debra Roter, pilot of the Center for Genomic Literacy and Communication at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said in the scandal release. The researchers also found that 57 percent of women who knew about Jolie's release said they would have alike surgery if they knew they had a bad BRCA gene.

Nearly three-quarters of women and men in the evaluate felt Jolie did the well gismo by going public about her experience. Cases of knocker cancer linked to a BRCA gene varying are extremely rare. In the United States, a woman's peril of ever getting breast cancer if she does not have a BRCA anomaly is between 5 percent and 15 percent vigrx delay spray cod north dakota. While celebrities can succour boost awareness of health issues by sharing their own experiences, it's respected to help the clear-cut understand and use the information about diagnosis and treatment contained in these stories, the researchers concluded.

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