суббота, 4 декабря 2010 г.

Allergic Risk When Eating Peanuts During Pregnancy

Allergic Risk When Eating Peanuts During Pregnancy.

Women who snack peanuts during pregnancy may be putting their babies at increased imperil for peanut allergy, a experimental inspect suggests. US researchers looked at 503 infants, age-old 3 months to 15 months, with suspected egg or tap allergies, or with the pellicle discompose eczema and positive allergy tests to extract or egg buyrxfrom.com. These factors are associated with increased endanger of peanut allergy, but none of the infants in the bookwork had been diagnosed with peanut allergy.

Blood tests revealed that 140 of the infants had trenchant susceptivity to peanuts. Mothers' consumption of peanuts during pregnancy was a great predictor of peanut feeling in the infants, the researchers reported in the Nov 1, 2010 circulation of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology provillushop.com. "Researchers in new years have been aleatory about the role of peanut consumption during pregnancy on the jeopardy of peanut allergy in infants.

While our study does not definitively make clear that pregnant women should not eat peanut products during pregnancy, it highlights the basic for further examination in order to make recommendations about dietary restrictions," workroom leader Dr Scott H Sicherer, a professor of pediatrics at Jaffe Food Allergy Institute at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, said in a roll low-down release.

Sicherer and his colleagues recommended controlled, interventional studies to further review their findings. "Peanut allergy is serious, most of the time persistent, potentially fatal, and appears to be increasing in prevalence," Sicherer said.

Peanuts are mid the most commonplace allergy-causing foods. But because a peanut allergy is less seemly to be outgrown than allergies to other foods, it becomes more average amongst older kids and adults. It's probable that more Americans are allergic to peanuts than any other food.

Peanuts are in actuality not a accurately nut, but a legume (in the same parentage as peas and lentils). When someone with a peanut allergy is exposed to peanuts, the vaccinated methodology mistakenly believes that proteins (or allergens) in the peanut are noxious to the body.

The untouched plan produces antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE) that then cause allergy cells in the body (called mast cells) to disenthral chemicals into the bloodstream, one of which is histamine. The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract, and causes the symptoms of the allergic reaction.

Peanut reactions can be very severe, even with exceedingly small-scale amounts of exposure. This might be because the unsusceptible organized whole recognizes peanut proteins easier than other aliment proteins.

The allergens in peanuts are comparable in building to allergens in tree nuts. This may describe why almost half of multitude who are allergic to peanuts are also allergic to tree nuts, such as almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, pistachios, pecans, and cashews.

People who are allergic to one tree nut are often allergic to at least one or two other tree nuts. As with peanuts, tree nut reactions can be very severe, even with flat exposures Sildenafil cupid. Research has shown that peanuts are the #1 offender of fateful commons allergy reactions, followed by tree nuts.

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