среда, 29 декабря 2010 г.

Using Statins To Lower Cholesterol May Be More Beneficial Way To Prevent Heart Attack And Stroke

Using Statins To Lower Cholesterol May Be More Beneficial Way To Prevent Heart Attack And Stroke.

Broader use of cholesterol-lowering statins may be a cost-effective direction to taboo boldness bout and stroke, US researchers suggest. In the study, published online Sept 27, 2010 in the yearbook Circulation buyrxfrom.com. The researchers also found that screening for elevated sense C-reactive protein (CRP) to place patients who may advantage from statin analysis is only cost-effective in fixed cases.

Elevated levels of CRP indicate inflammation and suggest an increased chance for heart attack and stroke fedra and birth control pills. Currently, statin psychotherapy is recommended for high-risk patients - those with a 20 percent or greater jeopardize of some epitome of cardiovascular event within the next 10 years.

But statins may also advance people with a lower risk, according to Dr Mark Hlatky, professor of salubriousness examination and policy and of cardiovascular medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine in Stanford, Calif, and colleagues. Hlatky's pair set out to upon the cost-effectiveness of three statin group therapy approaches in patients with customary cholesterol levels and no evidence of heart c murrain or diabetes: following current guidelines; conducting CRP screening in patients who don't see present statin treatment guidelines and offering statins to those with cheerful CRP levels; and providing statin psychoanalysis based on a patient's cardiovascular gamble alone, with no CRP testing.

The researchers analyzed which of the three approaches met the typically accepted cost-effectiveness edge of no more than $50000 per quality-adjusted life-year. They found that statin treatment based on cardiovascular peril alone, without CRP testing, was the most cost-effective strategy.

Initiating statin care at lower imperil levels - without CRP testing - "would further increase clinical outcomes at all right cost, making it the optimally cost-effective tactic in our analysis," the researchers wrote in a university announcement release. "Ideally, a marker would tell us who will help from drug treatment and who will not," Hlatky unmistakeable out in the release. "If a test could give us that information, it would be very cost-effective Nurocol drug. But there's not complimentary evidence yet that CRP, or any other test, shop that well".

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