суббота, 26 февраля 2011 г.

Many Survivors Of Lymphoma Did Not Receive A Recommendation To Take Further Tests For Other Types Of Cancer

Many Survivors Of Lymphoma Did Not Receive A Recommendation To Take Further Tests For Other Types Of Cancer.

Many Hodgkin lymphoma survivors don't be given recommended consolidation screening tests for other cancers, a different office finds. "Most Hodgkin lymphoma patients are cured, but they can be at endanger many years later of developing inferior cancers or other past clobber of their incipient treatment howporstarsgrowit.com. This is why prominence of reinforcement care post-treatment is so important," prima donna investigator Dr David Hodgson, a emanation oncologist at the Princess Margaret Hospital Cancer Program in Toronto, Canada, said in a University Health Network dirt release.

He and his colleagues followed 2071 survivors for up to 15 years after Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis and found that 62,5 percent were not screened for colorectal cancer, 32,3 percent were not screened for tit cancer, and 19,9 percent were not screened for cervical cancer . "Our results demand that the optimal support custody did not happen, even though most patients had visits with both a germinal control provider and an oncologist in years two through five.

So there are opportunities to remodel post-treatment watch for fail and up to date effects" of care for Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgson explained in the report release. The researchers were uncommonly alarmed to find that no screening was done in 87,1 percent of minor women survivors who were at potentially leading risk of breast cancer because of the radiation analysis they had received for Hodgkin lymphoma.

The study also found that survivors had CT scans at a price three times higher than that of the universal population, sometimes up to 15 years after their first diagnosis. "It is not perspicacious why the CT scans were ordered, but they certainly did not appear to be an efficacious way to detect relapse, particularly this crave after treatment was finished," Hodgson said.

Most Hodgkin lymphoma patients never submit to a relapse, and those who do as usual know that something is wrong before a doctor detects it, the about authors noted. "Oncologists privation to advise their patients what symptoms should summary them to seek medical attention - and physicians have to be able to value them in a timely way to decide if imaging is needed," Hodgson said Hair loss in men. The learn is published online and in the July illustration affair of the journal Cancer.

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