воскресенье, 20 февраля 2011 г.

The United States Ranks Last Compared With The Six Other Industrialized Countries

The United States Ranks Last Compared With The Six Other Industrialized Countries.

Compared with six other industrialized nations, the United States ranks aftermost when it comes to many measures of grade salubriousness care, a unique bang concludes. Despite having the costliest form anxiety structure in the world, the United States is last or next-to-last in quality, efficiency, access to care, fair-mindedness and the faculty of its citizens to lead long, healthy, worthwhile lives, according to a new report from the Commonwealth Fund, a Washington, DC-based hush-hush bottom focused on improving health care yourvito.com. "On many measures of well-being system performance, the US has a extended way to go to perform as well as other countries that fritter away far less than we do on healthcare, yet cover everyone," the Commonwealth Fund's president, Karen Davis, said during a Tuesday matutinal teleconference.

And "It is disappointing, but not surprising, that in spite of our significant investment in haleness care, the US continues to let up behind other countries," she added. However, Davis believes late health keeping reform legislation - when fully enacted in 2014 - will go a large way to improving the popular system Sildenafil vs tadalafil vs vardenafil. "Our hope and belief is that when the law is fully enacted, we will match and even outrank the performance of other countries," she said.

The report compares the carrying-on of the American health care methodology with those of Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. According to 2007 figures included in the report, the US spends the most on healthiness care, at $7,290 per capita per year. That's almost twice the total knackered in Canada and nearly three times the grade of New Zealand, which spends the least.

The Netherlands, which has the highest-ranked condition pains system on the Commonwealth Fund list, spends only $3,837 per capita. Despite higher spending, the US ranks pattern or next to most recent in all categories, Davis said, and scored "particularly improperly on measures of access, efficiency, open-mindedness and long, fine fettle and resourceful lives".

The US ranks in the centre of the pack in measures of effective and patient-centered care, she added. Overall, the Netherlands came in before all on the list, followed by the United Kingdom and Australia. Canada and the United States ranked sixth and seventh, Davis noted.

Speaking at the teleconference, Cathy Schoen, older depravity president at the Commonwealth Fund, sharp out that in 2008, 14 percent of US patients with habitual conditions had been given the ill-considered medication or the ill-use dose. That's twice the transgression calculate observed in Germany and the Netherlands, she noted.

So "Adults in the United States also reported delays in being notified about peculiar study results or given the wrong results at more high rates," Schoen said. "Indeed, the rates were three times higher than in Germany and the Netherlands". "As a outcome we stratum newest in safety and do poorly on several dimensions of quality," Schoen said.

In addition, many Americans are still booming without medical sadness because of cost, she said. "We also do surprisingly amateurishly on access to primary trouble oneself and access to after hours care given our overall resources and spending," Schoen said. In fact, 54 percent of public with inveterate conditions reported growing without needed care in 2008, compared with 13 percent in Great Britain and 7 percent in the Netherlands, she said.

The United States also ranked in in efficiency, Schoen said. There are too many matching tests, too much paperwork, intoxicated administrative costs and too many patients using pinch rooms as doctor's offices. In addition, penury appears to be a big proxy in whether Americans have access to care, the come in found.

The United States also performed worst in terms of the or slue of men and women who turn up one's toes early, in levels of infant mortality, and for bracing life expectancy among older adults, Schoen said.

Dr David Katz, numero uno of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine, commented that "as a medical doctor and non-exclusive vigorousness practitioner, I have routinely verbal out in favor of health care rectification in the US The responses evoked have not always been kind. Prominent centre of the counterarguments has been: 'You should confer with what health care is like in other countries'".

So "This turn up utterly belies the crotchet that the former status quo for health solicitude delivery in the US was as good as it gets. Others have been doing better and we can, and should, too," he said. However, at least one master doesn't take it that constitution care reform, as it now stands, will solve these problems.

Dr Steffie Woolhandler, a professor of cure-all at Harvard Medical School and co-founder of Physicians for a National Health Program, said that "the US has the worst vigour disquiet pattern to each the seven countries studied, and arguably the worst in the developed world medworldplus.net. Unfortunately, the US will almost certainly persevere in end place, since the recently passed strength reform will leave 23 million Americans without coverage while enlarging the impersonation of the retired insurance industry, which obstructs care and drives up costs," she said.

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