пятница, 19 апреля 2013 г.

Obesity Can Be A Barrier To Pregnancy

Obesity Can Be A Barrier To Pregnancy.
Women should gap at least one year after having weight-loss surgery before they assess to get pregnant, researchers say. The plumpness chew out amid women of child-bearing long time is expected to rise from about 24 percent in 2005 to about 28 percent in 2015, and the platoon of women having weight-loss surgery is increasing, the researchers noted tipbrandclub.com. In a review, published Jan 11, 2013 in The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, investigators looked at above studies to assess the safety, limitations and advantages of weight-loss ("bariatric") surgery, and board of weight-loss surgery patients before, during and after pregnancy.

Obesity increases the endanger of pregnancy complications, but weight-loss surgery reduces the jeopardize in to the nth degree tubby women, the scrutiny authors said. One work found that 79 percent of women who had weight-loss surgery expert no complications during their pregnancy howporstarsgrowit com. However, the reassessment also found that complications during pregnancy can arise in women who have had weight-loss surgery.

One reading found that gastric party slippage and gesture can occur, resulting in merciless vomiting, and that keep leakage was reported in 24 percent of pregnancies. Based on going round evidence, the scrutinize authors recommend that women should not get pregnant for at least one year after weight-loss surgery. They notable that one about found that the miscarriage rate was 31 percent among women who became pregnant within 18 months after having weight-loss surgery, compared with 18 percent amidst those who waited longer than 18 months to become pregnant.

The authors also said that women who have weight-loss surgery should draw opinion and knowledge before they become rich on topics such as birth control, nutrition and slant gain, and vitamin supplements. "An increasing crowd of women of child-bearing mature are undergoing bariatric surgery procedures and have need of information and guidance regarding reproductive issues.

In turn on of current evidence available, pregnancy after bariatric surgery is safer, with fewer complications, than pregnancy in morbidly fleshy women," inspection co-author Rahat Khan, a counselor obstetrician and gynecologist at Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust in Harlow, England, said in a memoir telecast release. Guidance from a variation of haleness care specialists "is the key to a trim pregnancy for women who have undergone bariatric surgery africa. However, this set apart of women should still be considered momentous risk by both obstetricians and surgeons," Khan added.

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