суббота, 4 мая 2013 г.

Labor Productivity Of Women During Menopause

Labor Productivity Of Women During Menopause.
Women who allow beastly flatulence flashes during menopause may be less productive on the pain in the arse and have a lower quality of life, a new con suggests. The study, by researchers from the psychedelic maker is based on a survey of nearly 3300 US women elderly 40 to 75. Overall, women who reported grievous hot flashes and night-time sweats had a dimmer view of their well-being. They also were more liable than women with milder symptoms to answer the problem hindered them at work yourvito. The payment of that lost work productivity averaged more than $6500 over a year, the researchers estimated.

On beat of that, they said, women with hard scalding flashes spent more on doctor visits - averaging almost $1000 in menopause-related appointments. Researcher Jennifer Whiteley and her colleagues reported the results online Feb 11, 2013 in the scrapbook Menopause vito mol. It's not surprising that women with relentless bright flashes would look in on the falsify more often, or arrive a bigger impact on their health and cultivate productivity, said Dr Margery Gass, a gynecologist and directorship director of the North American Menopause Society.

But she said the supplementary findings put some numbers to the issue. "What's benevolent about this is that the authors tried to quantify the impact," Gass said, adding that it's always legitimate to have brutal information on how menopause symptoms affect women's lives. For women themselves, the findings give reassurance that the belongings they ascertain in their lives are real. "This validates the experiences they are having," Gass said.

Another gynecologist who reviewed the survey acuminate out many limitations, however. The exploration was based on an Internet survey, so the women who responded are a "self-selected" bunch, said Dr Michele Curtis, an obstetrician and gynecologist in Houston. And since it was a one-time survey, Curtis said, it provides only a snapshot of the women's perceptions at that time. "What if they were having a sorry day? Or a ace day?" she said.

It's also unpleasant to comprehend for unshakable that excited flashes were the cause of women's less-positive perceptions of their own health. "This tells us that peevish c lickerish flashes are a marker for sense of foreboding unhappy," Curtis said. "But are they the cause?" Still, she commended the researchers for worrying to calculation the burden of hot flashes with the facts they had. "It's an interesting study, and these are distinguished questions," Curtis said.

Like Gass, Curtis said the results also validate women's experiences. "You're not silly for sentiment bad," she said. The findings are based on nearly 3300 women. Most said they either had no precarious flashes and dusk sweats, or pacific symptoms. But almost 500 said they had middling symptoms, while nearly 150 rated them as severe.

One-quarter of employed women with dangerous symptoms said the facer hindered them at work, compared with just 4 percent of women with equable white-hot flashes and 14 percent of those with mitigate ones. Curtis pointed out, however, that the percentages are based on tight-fisted numbers: just 43 women with dour hot flashes were employed. When it came to day-to-day activities, almost one-third of women with acute new flashes felt held back, versus 6 percent with meek symptoms and 17 percent with slacken ones.

The esteemed news is there are ways to make your hot flashes less innumerable or less intense. For severe symptoms, Curtis said, the most effectual treatment is hormone treatment - usually a combination of estrogen and progestin. For now, it's also the only care approved by the US Food and Drug Administration specifically for easing passionate flashes.

But doctors and patients have been heedful of hormones ever since a US memorize a decade ago linked the psychoanalysis to increased risks of blood clots, enthusiasm attack, act and breast cancer. The general suggestion now is for women with hot flashes to take hormones at the lowest dispense and for the shortest time possible. For women who cannot or do not want to perform hormones, there are other options. Gass popular that some antidepressants have been found to help spell hot flashes.

Certain blood pressure drugs and anti-seizure medications also are from time to time prescribed. If your menopause symptoms are milder, some lifestyle changes may be enough, including turning down the thermostat at nightfall or dressing in layers so you can rub some when you withstand a animated flash coming on, Gass said. If you for more relief, though, Gass recommended talking to your medical practitioner about your options vimax. Curtis said it's also critical to be sure your wind flashes are the result of menopause, since other conditions - most commonly an overactive thyroid gland - can cause the symptoms too.

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