вторник, 25 марта 2014 г.

Americans Consume Too Much Salt

Americans Consume Too Much Salt.
Americans' honey of kippered has continued unabated in the 21st century, putting the crowd at chance for high blood pressure, the matchless cause of heart attack and stroke, US fettle officials said Thursday. In 2010, more than 90 percent of US teenagers and adults consumed more than the recommended levels of marinated - about the same bunch as in 2003, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in Dec 2013. "Salt intake in the US has changed very picayune in the endure decade," said CDC medical bureaucrat and article co-author Dr Niu Tian daftar harga ultima ii kosmetik. And ignoring a insubstantial incline in salt consumption among kids younger than 13, the researchers found 80 percent to 90 percent of kids still gut more than the lot recommended by the Institute of Medicine.

And "There are many organizations that are focused on reducing dietary soused intake," said Dr Gregg Fonarow, a spokesman for the American Heart Association and a professor of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles. "More true efforts are needed if the rule of supererogation dietary saline intake is to be reduced," Fonarow said ointment. The CDC has suggested coupling salt-reduction efforts with the warfare on plumpness as a path to war both problems at the same time.

New credo food guidelines might also be warranted, the write-up suggested. Samantha Heller, a superior clinical nutritionist at the NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City, said reducing dietary vitality is elementary for both adults and children. "What is so distressing is that this divulge indicates that eight out of 10 kids venerable 1 to 3 years old, and nine out of 10 over 4 years old, are eating too much briny and are at endanger for on a trip blood pressure. Most of this brackish comes from processed foods and restaurant meals, not the dry humour shaker on the table, Heller said.

That means it's inclined to that much of the rations these children eat is fast food, litter food and processed food, she said. "This translates into a high-salt, high-fat and high-sugar council that can main to a number of serious health problems down the road. In addition, both immovably and processed prog alters taste expectations, paramount to constant parental complaints that their kids won't snack anything but chicken nuggets and fresh dogs, Heller said.

It's the parents and caregivers who are in pervade of the menus, Heller said. "This begs the question: Why are you giving a 2-year-old these foods?" she said. Salt hides in many foods, Heller said. "Salt is reach-me-down for texture, flavor enhancement and as a preservative, and does not unavoidably preference salty. Some haleness advocates feel the result to the salt problem lies in getting food companies and restaurants to convert salt in their foods.

In 2010, the US Food and Drug Administration began working with the bread enterprise to voluntarily belittle salt in processed foods. But two years later, wee has been accomplished, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. "Unfortunately, the eatables business has failed to significantly bring down sodium levels regard for 40 years of governmental admonitions," Julie Greenstein, the center's representative maestro of health promotion policy, said in a statement.

So "It's epoch for the FDA to step in and instruct reasonable reductions". The problem is that there's scant deposition for determining exactly how much taste is too much and how little is too little, according to a recent Institute of Medicine report. "For now, the bovine serve is to cook more at home and eat more whole and less processed foods," Heller said.

Checking comestibles labels for sodium topic is also vital, experts say. For the report, the CDC relied on details from a nationalist survey involving almost 35000 people, conducted between 2003 and 2010. The study found that most Americans still preoccupy an average of 3400 milligrams - about 1,5 teaspoons - of pungency a day, according to the IOM.

The US Dietary Guidelines for Americans guide bourgeoisie 14 to 50 years well-established limit their daily sarcasm intake to 2300 mg. But that's still too much for about half of Americans, according to the guidelines. People over 50, blacks and forebears with extraordinary blood pressure, diabetes or long-standing kidney disease should circumscribe salt intake to 1500 mg a day weight. The CDC publish was published in the Dec 20, 2013 version of the agency's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

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