воскресенье, 16 марта 2014 г.

Doctors Recommend A New Drug For The Prevention Of HIV Infection

Doctors Recommend A New Drug For The Prevention Of HIV Infection.
Should bourgeoisie in threat of contracting HIV because they have perilous making love abide a pill to prevent infection, or will the medication advance them to take even more sexual risks? After years of argue on this question, a new international look suggests the medication doesn't lead population to stop using condoms or have more sex with more people. The investigate isn't definitive, and it hasn't changed the watch of every expert tip brand club. But one of the study's co-authors said the findings substructure the drug's use as a practice to prevent infection with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

And "People may have more partners or halt using condoms, but as well as we can tell, it's not because of taking the deaden to prevent HIV infection ," said cram co-author Dr Robert Grant, a major investigator with the Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology in San Francisco. The medication in grill is called Truvada, which combines the drugs emtricitabine and tenofovir ante health. It's normally utilized to handle kinsmen who are infected with HIV, but experimentation - in homosexual and bisexual men and in straight couples with one infected fellow-dancer - have shown that it can lower the risk of infection in relatives who become exposed to the virus through sex.

However, it does not stamp out the risk of infection. The US Food and Drug Administration approved the pharmaceutical for restraining purposes in 2012. Few people seem to be taking it for debarment purposes, however. Its manufacturer, Gilead, has disclosed that about 1700 common people are taking the drug for that perspicacity in the United States, Grant said. In the callow study, researchers found that expected rates of HIV and syphilis infection decreased in almost 2500 men and transgender women when they took Truvada.

The bone up participants, who all faced expensive imperil of HIV infection, were recruited in Peru, Ecuador, South Africa, Brazil, Thailand and the United States. Some of the participants took Truvada while others took an peaceful placebo. Those who believed they were taking Truvada "were just as repository as person else," Grant said, suggesting that they weren't more promising to stanch using condoms or be more unsystematic because they believed they had excess buffer against HIV infection.

Grant said the envisage of the study allows scientists to better take it the choices that participants make. The bookwork is limited, however, because the researchers recruited participants as an alternative of waiting for people to come to them. For that reason, it's outlandish to know if populate will seek out Truvada to take new levels of endanger by, say, no longer using condoms. There are many skeptics, including the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, who fears that the benumb will artlessly assist people to make riskier decisions in pay heed to sex.

One of these skeptics is Arleen Leibowitz, a professor emeritus of conspicuous policy at the Luskin School of Public Affairs at the University of California, Los Angeles. She said the scrutinize shows that many grass roots failed to kill Truvada as prescribed and often didn't document enough to be protected from HIV. That raises the promise that some people would take risks because they allow they're protected when they actually aren't, she noted.

Leibowitz also said some of the statistics in the office are shady because they don't include enough participants. And she said the participants may have lied about their copulation lives to interest the people who interviewed them. "We'll twig a lot when its use becomes more general. But it's ruinous to do experiments on the general population".

For the moment, she said, the remedy may be appropriate for some patients who need preservation from HIV, but doctors should be cautious and make convinced their patients take the medication. The workroom is published in the Dec 18, 2013 online printing of the journal PLoS One where to buy rx. In other HIV/AIDS news, a recent study - also published in PLoS One - reports that 20-year-old men infected with HIV in the United States and Canada can have to palpable almost as great as the mixed population and make it, typically, to their initial 70s.

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